Sunday, November 28, 2010

What it means to be a photographer..

As a photographer I sometimes sit and contemplate what
 that means.  Yesterday at a memorial service they ran a
 slideshow of photographs of this persons life and although
 none of those photos were any photos I took, it made me
proud to know that as a profession that is what I do..
 capture history.  Little moments that when you add them all
together compile a life.  I have families that I have
documented 'growing' and I love that. I love that a bride and
groom trust me to document their lives on that day. I love it
 that a family ask me to get photos of their new baby and
 that I captured those first few days of life.  I love it when a
child is learning about the things around them.. and I can
 capture that in their eyes.  Life is good.. I cherish it.
Thanks for letting me be your historian!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Ashley & Ronnie 10-23-10

Check out this video of their wedding.. we had such a great time..
thanks so much for the honor of capturing your day of moments...

Sunday, November 14, 2010

when no else is around.. use the bunnie..

Okay so I needed to try something out with some lighting..
Search is on for hubby.. dang... he is sacked out on the couch... decided waking him up so that I can take pictures of him probably not his idea of a good enough reason.
Thought about the dogs.. sacked out too... and do I really want to deal with all the hair anyway?  yeh no..  wait... what about the cats?  hhhmmmm....  nowhere to be found.. which I think is fairly suspicious since usually they are underfoot.. I am feeling maybe I am sending out some "I need a test dummie" vibe and everyone is staying clear.. so I look around.. let's see ornaments.. nah.. chair.. boring... wait.. what's this.. BUNNIE!  Trusting little bunnie.. just sitting there minding his own business and then sucked into the light.  So anyway, here are some results... he did such a great job.. after we got over the EAR issue.. things really started to go smoothly.  Maybe I'll use him again in the future.. how many carrots do you think I will need.?   

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Dogs and Cats and ornaments.. OH MY

                       this was a lot of fun.. and i love the expression on each face...   

Monday, November 1, 2010

Lindsay, Matt and the kiddos..

.. I have documented this family since the beginning.. it has been a pleasure watching them grow...
these are some photos of their latest shoot. 
Thanks for the honor you guys... can't wait for the next one.