my family and i recently went through a traumatic thing.
I normally wouldn't share this with the world but i feel compelled for some reason.
within 24 hours.. my daughter and her husband (and all of us) were
you can only imagine the emotional trauma that we felt then the unmistakable elation - when we found out he didn't.
with that being said.. shortly after finding out he didn't.. it dawned on us that we were very very blessed as we were on the pediatric oncology floor and realized that many others were dealing with life and death everyday. So I want to say how much i admire those parents and their children for dealing with that on a daily basis and how scarey it must be for them. How i pray that they find small moments of peace in their lives as they are dealing with cancer.

and for everyone else.. cherish your moments with those that you love and try to be kind to one another.. even strangers as you never know what might be happening in their lives..
I have posted two photos..
the first one will be us (obviously I am taking the photo) waiting for the results of the bone marrow results.. to have it confirmed that it was luekemia and the second one is my grandson a few days after he was home.. ALL BETTER!!
thank you Lord.
ps also.. on top of all this.. my daughter is pregnant with their second child.. a little sister.