Wednesday, February 27, 2008

just checking in...

HI everyone.. just wanted to say hi and let you know that i have been super busy so i have been a bad girl in regards to posting on the blog.. forgive me.

I've done a few photo shoots.. and doing another one tonight.
Miss Avery has come into the world... after taking pictures of her in mommie's belly and of her baby shower where she got lots of gifts.. i have the privilege of taking her first 'official' pictures. I can't wait to meet her.. I hear she is adorable.. so look for her debut in a week or so.

ps.. studio is coming along fine.. should be a couple more weeks to completion. I'll keep you updated...

Thursday, February 7, 2008

my new website...

doesn't it look great.. I will be adding some stuff later..
but i wanted to say 'hi' and let you know
that i will posting more real soon.